
As the Association no longer operates at the County level, this website is no longer maintained. Please view any information on this page with caution as it may be out-of-date.

The Weald Branch is the youngest of the Association's Branches, dating from July 30th 1999. It is based in Tenterden and has a current membership of eighty.

The committee strives to organise a variety of events that will appeal to the Members.

For more information about the Weald Branch and its activities, please contact the Chairman, Greg Parkin, on 01580761419 or at

 The proposed programme for 2020 is as follows:
January: Winter Lunch
February: Quiz Night
March: Visit to Crossness Pumping Station
April: AGM
May: Spring Walk
  Brick Land (60 years of the London Palladium)
June: Batand Trap
July: Garden Party
August: Croquet
September: Wine Tour
October: Visit to Brighton Pavilion
November: Tea and Talk: "A Schoolgirls' War"
December: Christmas Lunch/Event

